Rebel Groups
& International Law

MILF (The Philippines)
Background Information
Split off from the MNLF in 1978, because of dissatisfaction with MNLF’s leader Misauri and with the intention of placing a greater emphasis on the role of Islam in the struggle for independence of the island of Mindanao.[1]
“Funding comes from a number of sources, including taxes of foreign companies, Zakat (charitable donations) given to MILF communities, and overseas contributions from wealthy Moros. The International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), led by Usama bin Laden’s brother-in-law, Muhammed Jamal Khalifa, was used as a financial channel for the MILF in order to procure arms and other equipment. In addition to the IIRO, al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiya have also donated funds to the Filipino terror group. Other charities linked to the MILF include MERC International (a Saudi charity also established by Khalifa), the Islamic Wisdom Worldwide Mission (IWWM), and the Daw’l Immam al Shafee Center. Some MILF members own or manage businesses and funnel money back into the organization. Additional sources of MILF financing include kidnappings, drug trafficking, extortion, and contributions from supporters overseas.”[2]
Other human rights violations
Engage in both crime-related and terrorist activities, using kidnappings to fund and draw attention to their mission as well as bombing and ambushing security forces and civilians.[2]
[1] Caramés, Fisas, & Sanz, 2005
[2] ISVG, 2011
Caramés, A., Fisas, V., & Sanz E. (2005). PHILIPPINES (Mindanao-MNLF). Agencia Catalana de Cooperacio al Desenvolupament, Retrieved from:
Institute for the Study of Violent Groups (ISVG): Moro Islamic Liberation Front. (2011). Retrieved from: