Rebel Groups
& International Law

Boko Haram (Nigeria)
Boko Haram was founded in 2002 by Mohammed Yusuf. The group was originally known as the Nigerian Taliban due to its ideology and methods. It was not till 2009 that the group began to rapidly increase its terrorist activities. Since then the group has been labeled a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States and has killed more than 1,000 people.[1]
Boko Haram receives funding from Al-Qaida in the Land of Islamic Maghreb and with their help have secured more funding from organizations in Great Britain and Saudi Arabia. Besides this, the group gets a large amount of its funds from abductions, robberies, and extortion. [1]
Human Rights Violations:
Boko Haram targets civilians and private property more than any other type of target, that being 25% of its attacks. The next closest target type is police at 22%. The group has attacked schools and other public places, killing hundreds of civilians and children.[1]
[1] START, 2014
START (2014) “Boko Haram Recent Attacks”. Retrieved from: